Tuesday, June 30, 2009


Ok, so I decided to join everyone else and start a blog. My only fear with blogging is that I won't keep it updated; I am going to promise to try very hard though.

Our little family is SO busy right now. Kayden keeps us going with football practice and games twice a week plus all the birthdays and get-togethers with friends. I had no idea a 6 year old could be so busy! Keirsten keeps us on our toes exploring the wonderful world around her. She had given us a scare the past couple of months. On her one year check up we were told she had a heart murmur (at least that is what they thought at the time) and referred us to a pediatric cardiologist from Primary Children's Hospital. After seeing him (here in Poky) he wanted us to take a trip to Utah and perform an Echocardiogram on her. The staff at Primary Children's is amazing and made the process seamless for us. She has been offically diagnosed with Biscuspid Aortic Valve Stenosis. Basically, there are three flaps (cusps) that open and close to all blood to flow through the valve. Two of her three cusps are fused together restricting the blood flow through the valve to the rest of her body. This also causes them to not completly close which "leaks" blood back into the chamber. Right now they are not going to do anything but monitor her once a year until she starts to show symptoms. Being told your child has something wrong with their heart is one of the hardest things to hear. We are very thankful that we are aware of her condition and can give her the help she needs. We love our little munchkins very much and would do anything for them!!

We have also added a new member to our 4 person 1 pet crew. Tank joined our family on June 17th. He is a 5 year old Boxer who in Ryan's words is "AWESOME"! We found Tank on KSL's website. His previous owners were unable to keep him as they were moving. He truly is a wonderful addition and we love him very much.

Well I guess that is all for now and now I can officially say that we are bloggers!